The Special Relief of Distress (SRD) grant of R350 provided by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) offers crucial support to individuals who are unemployed and do not receive any other form of...
Ready to Revolutionize Your Debt Strategies? Say goodbye to overwhelming debt with our game-changing debt Workbook and planner. With over 50+ expertly crafted pages, this guide empowers you to hatch a foolproof debt elimination...
Explore the dynamic world of Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). A potent marketing strategy embraced by world-renowned brands like Avon, Tupperware, and Mary Kay Cosmetics, MLM leverages independent sales representatives to tap into...
It is not always the simplest thing to do to manage your professional and financial responsibilities. Apps designed specifically for budgeting can help connect you to your various financial accounts, monitor your spending, and...
There are different tax rates for smaller or different types of firms in South Africa, but the basic tax on revenue for registered companies is now a flat 28% collected by the South African...
🌟 Welcome to Your Next Big Investment Move🌟 Designed to boost your trading prowess, this course unveils the intricacies of market analysis, ensuring you’re equipped to interpret charts with precision and employ advanced indicators...
Explain the Concept of a Recession A recession occurs when all of the following criteria occur at the same time: the country in general generates less and sales decrease dramatically, incomes tighten, and jobs...
Attention, ambitious entrepreneurs! Ever felt lost in the vast world of online marketing or disheartened by strategies that don’t yield results? We present the Profitable Social Boss Program, specifically designed for the driven solopreneur...
Many different options exist for international money transfers to and from South Africa. All the usual methods, plus mobile banking and money transfer services, count. The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) is responsible for...
This increased competition and responsiveness can be attributed in large part to globalisation. The pandemic has awakened a new awareness among businesses of their mutual dependence on one another. The impact on one industry...